Sunday, July 31, 2005

webs: Virtual Tourist

Last night I went out with a friend of mine, nulain (meet him! and he told me about this page, virtual tourist ( so I decided to have a look at it.

It certainly looks niiiice.

Since I'm travelling to Tallin on my own in two weeks, this page looks as a great resorce. I'm registered there as kikito_sp (someone already had kikito :-/)

We'll see how it works. My conclusion: I need to get a digital camera NOW!

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Articles: First Post!


Being the first post in the blog, let me present myself & my intentions.

Enrique Garcia, single, 26 years old, computer sciencist. All the important data is there. For the rest, you'll have to read along!

My intentions: I don't want to make "yet another diary on the web". But you know, in case I die, I just want to have some random thoughts stored in some server available for the public. These thoughts might orbitate around several subjects, being some of them:
  • Bizarre human behavior (politics & women mostly)
  • Computer science
  • Geeky news
  • Health
  • Something completely different
That's all. Now let me just experimentate with this site's configuration before posting the first real article.