Thursday, December 08, 2005

misc: My picture - superman-enabled!

Hello again!

I just couldn't bare leaving you without the untouched, unmmodified picture. So there you go. As you can see, I'm also wearing a necklace that i bought in Haapsalu, a small mosquito-packed city in Estonia. The necklace is made out of malaquite.

I hope you like it!

misc: My picture


This is my best picture. I tried the "hello" bloggerbot or whatever is called to upload it, but it didn't work with pngs. So I'm creating an article just to be able to upload it. So, here it is.

Just for your information, this is the picture I will use in the resumes I'm sending google in my quest for a better job. It was taken by a mexican guy in Berlin, on summer 2005. I was wearing a superman tsirt, but I removed the red and yellow "S" with the gimp (don't tell google!)
